24-26 October 2023, Istanbul Turkey

7th International Conference on Advanced Model Measurement Technology for The Maritime Industry AMT’23
24-26 October 2023, Istanbul Turkey
We are proud to organise the 7th International Conference on Advanced Model Measurement Technology for The Maritime Industry (AMT’23) hosted by Istanbul Technical University to celebrate their 250th anniversary.
AMT’23 is of benefit to Industry and academia interested in the advanced model and full-scale testing methodologies, and measurement techniques used in the marine environment. There will be 50 papers from 102 different countries to be presented over 2.5 days including 1 keynote presentation. The technical papers will be covering diverse state of the art measurement technologies and facilities for the marine environment such as: Underwater Radiate Noise measurements and technologies; PIV and other digital imaging technologies including motion capture; Propulsors and propulsion testing technologies including novel ESDs; Frictional drag reduction and measurement technologies; Marine coating performance and biofouling control testing methods; Biomimetic application testing technologies; Full-scale performance of novel ESDs and performance monitoring; Impact measurement technologies; Smart model testing technologies in cavitation tunnels; Uncertainty, Use of CFDs to support model testing methods etc.
In the second day there will be a full day special session for the major dissemination of the H2020 Project GATERS involving the first retrofit application of the novel steering and propulsion device Gate Rudder System and its demonstration on a commercial coastal ship.
In addition to the dissemination from the HTF, GATERS and other participants, AMT’23 provides an excellent opportunity for networking, both with delegates and invited equipment manufacturers displaying their products in the exhibition area.
The conference will be hosted in the Istanbul Technical University’s campus, which is celebrating its 250th year anniversary, in collaboration with the University of Strathclyde as the organizer representing the HTF partners.
Online registration for AMT’23 has been opened at the conference website as below. We hope to welcome you at Istanbul, in October 2023.
AMT’23 papers can be also submitted to the prospect Special Issue of Journal of Ocean Engineering.